Just like with eggs and milk, and probably numerous other food items over the years, coffee has gotten great press about the healthful things it can do for you, and it’s gotten negative press about the bad things it can do to you. So how do you know if you’re getting a good thing or a bad thing in your morning cup of Joe?
Well, if you’ve been drinking coffee for years, and it works for you, and your doctor hasn’t told you to stop, then why stop? It’s the caffeine in coffee that really gives it that bad rap. And those that say why drink it if not for the caffeine, may be missing the point.
It’s Heart Healthy, In Moderation
It isn’t the caffeine in your coffee that had articles within the last couple years going up all over online saying that coffee is heart healthy. In fact, many articles recommend drinking no less than three cups a day, and no more than five. That average gives people that drink coffee a better heart health advantage over those that don’t.
Exactly what it is in the coffee that helps the heart doesn’t seem to be specified, but who cares if it works?
Other Coffee Drinking Benefits
Not only has it been said that coffee can help improve your memory, but aside from all of that, each cup of coffee counts as your water intake for the day. That means that unlike things like soda and beer, coffee actually replenishes the water your system is made up of, just like drinking an actual glass of water.
If you are a caffeinated coffee drinker you’ll probably also notice the benefits of the extra energy that caffeine boost gives you, which can be helpful getting through morning meetings. You’ll find caffeine used in diet and weight loss products because it gives people energy.
Pregnancy And Caffeine
If you are a coffee nut and you are with child, you’re going to need to switch to decaf if you still want to get that taste each morning. Caffeine increases your blood pressure, because it is a stimulant, and this is something expectant moms don’t need. Studies say to at least cut far back on your caffeine, you don’t have to completely cut it out of your diet.
As you can see, coffee isn’t entirely the bad guy many think it is, although there is one sheer sign that caffeine is an addictive substance. If your body is used to that daily dose, a couple days off of it will give you a pretty bad headache that could last for days. But why stop if it can help your heart? Talk to your doctor and find out if caffeinated coffee is OK for you, depending on your current health situations.
Originally posted on August 14, 2016 @ 7:04 am