You can go out and just have a cup of coffee, as most of the figure conscious members of our society do. It doesn’t change the fact that coffee is a great companion drink, particularly for dessert. Cookies, cakes or pies, coffee goes quite well with a slice of sweets.
Of course for some, that just isn’t enough. There should be more coffee. Whoever said it all had to be in the drink? For those of us who love to bake, it’s fun to mix in the flavor of coffee with some well loved dishes.
You can have sugar cookies. You can eat ginger snaps. Some will settle on regular butter cookies. For coffee lovers, you may want to try this Brazilian Coffee Cookie Recipe we found. It calls for simple ingredients: brown sugar, white sugar, an egg, flour, milk, salt, and so on. While the recipe posted online simply says instant coffee powder, coffee lovers, we all know not all coffee beans are the same. The clue is in the name of the cookie but feel free to substitute your own preference and experiment til you find the perfect mix.
If you are one person who has to wake up to coffee, this next recipe should be interesting. It is called Wake Up and Smell the Coffee Cheesecake. Made with a Graham cracker crust, this recipe seems pretty ordinary to most. I suggest you try it for yourself first though. The recipe calls for just instant coffee but, again, if you’re going for aroma, we all know that you don’t rule out the freshly ground beans. They may make for stronger flavor so expect that you’ll need to practice a little.
Originally posted on June 17, 2006 @ 10:48 pm