Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there!
I am not a mother, neither am I a mom-to-be (for now), but I raise my coffee mug in salute to all the women who have brought life into this world. For many of these modern day mothers, they couldn’t have done it without coffee, could they?
If you think I am exaggerating, think about your own moms. Think about your friends who have kids and who have jobs at the same time. Heck, think about yourself. How could you function without coffee?
Seriously, though, I read this article written Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner. Titled “Mother’s Day: Caffeinated Mom Power,” the article basically examines the link between coffee and motherhood. I lover her anecdote about her little girl:
Yesterday, I asked my eleven-year-old daughter what she thought moms needed for Mother’s Day. She replied, “Moms need two things: 1-Coffee, and, 2-A day for themselves.” I couldn’t help but ask, “Why coffee?” Her answer: “They need help coping with their day with their busy schedules of picking up kids, dropping them off all over the place, and working.”
Indeed, moms are always juggling at least several things: work, the children, her husband, housechores, etc. Without their morning cup of coffee – at least for many moms – they would probably not be able to keep going. I think about my colleague, a mother of 5 children. She works two jobs – one from home – and does everything at home. She needs at least 5 cups of coffee a day. I think about my boss, a mother of one, and wife to a local celebrity. She works more than 9 hours every single day, and she needs her several cups of coffee as well.
To all the moms – cheers to you and everything you stand for (with or without your coffee)!
Originally posted on May 9, 2010 @ 10:03 am